We would like to tell you something about us

Who we are

We are a technology company that aims at using the best and most modern technologies to bring you next level digital products

What we do

Liveraging modern techonlogies and powerful tools, we produce and wonderful digital content and manage it for our customer and clients

Our Ojectives

  • To emerge and establish our selves as a solid, dependable, trustworthy and capable partner to businesses, firms, institutions, parastatals to facilitate business processes
  • To develop and craft tools, services, strategies and principles fit to form a basis for quality service standards and delivery
  • To be a leader in supply chain, procurement, automation, and development of quality human resource policies and civil working environment
  • To trade, produce an array of products both locally and in partnership with international players

Some of our happy satisfied customers

Our clients range from individuals, SMEs and enterprise firms that rely on us for automation, consultancy, procurement and supply, tailored software development, boxed software deployment and implementation, security services and systems, Human Rsource Welfare and policy development. IT/ICT Solutions, Health and Safety to mention

  • Muteesa 1 Royal University

    (Domain, Hosting, ICT Security & Policy, HR Systems)

  • Uganda Red Cross Society

    (Beneficiary Management Information Systems)

  • Quadral traders' SACCO

    (Finance Management Information System, Consultancy)

  • Matugga Seventh Day Church

    (Consultancy and Backend Systems Support)

  • Khaitse Medical supplies South Africa

    (Medical Equipment and Supplies)

  • Behartz engineering services

    (ICT Support and Supplies)

  • Mzansi communications South Africa

    (Systems Support and Supplies)